Delphine & Elodie Chevalme. 
Sisters, visual artists, graphists and illustrators. Saint-Denis, février 2018 ©Les Soeurs Chevalme

Exhibition”Un nouveau regard”
From March 16th to April 15th, 2018
In the framework of the Mois de la Francophonie, the Alliance Française of Vallée d’Aoste invites Les Soeurs Chevalme to present their work.


Flavien, 2014, from the series “Greffes de l’histoire, histoires de griffes”. Acrylic on paper, 100 x 150 cm © Les Soeurs Chevalme, courtesy Collection Gervanne et Matthias Leridon

Élodie and Delphine Chevalme  appropriated and combined in a colorful and humorous way the French  fashion with the “Sape”, famous noisy exuberance of African dandies. Two  worlds distant from each other which meet on the occasion of the series “Greffes de l’histoire, histoires de griffes” ( Grafts of history, claw stories) , project  that the artists develop during a residency in Brazzaville, Congo in 2012. This series highlights the links woven by history.


Friedrich, 2014, from the series “Greffes de l’histoire, histoires de griffes”. Acrylic on paper, 100 x 150 cm ©Les Soeurs Chevalme, courtesy Collection Gervanne et Matthias Leridon
"Friedrich" sur les murs de l'Alliance Française de la Vallée d'Aoste, Italie. Vue d'exposition
“Friedrich” on the Alliance Française walls, Italie.

Alliance Française of the Vallée d’Aoste
3 rue Promis (palais Valbruna) – 11100 Aoste – Italie
Salle Finaosta – From March 16th to April 15th, 2018.

Discover the entire series “Greffes de l’histoire, histoires de griffes”