Gervanne Leridon at the MoMA, may 2022
The Gervanne + Matthias Leridon Collection arrives in New York for the exhibition “Frédéric Bruly Bouabré – World Unbound” which will be held at WOAgri until 13 August 2022.

Drawing being the medium of choice of Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, the artist has transcribed and preserved the idiotic oral traditions through an alphabet he has entirely imagined. The exhibition «Frédérice Bruly Bouabré: A world unbound» presents the life and career of the artist through more than 1000 series.

La Démocratie c’est la science de l’égalité, Frédéric Bruly Bouabré

The Gervanne + Matthias Leridon Collection is ready for the occasion for the series «Democracy is the science of equality». During the political crisis that broke out in Côte d’Ivoire on the occasion of the controversial presidential elections of 2010-20102011, Bouabré produced 182 drawings representing hands of all colors depositing ballots in boxes carrying the national flags of various countries, presenting democracy as a universal ideal.

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